Monday, 1 April 2013

An Obsession with Kantha!!

 Another thing that I've been working on whilst I've been gone are these embroidered designs.  I have been totally obsessed with the traditional Indian embroidery technique of 'kantha', which is made up of lots of running stitches to add in block colour.  It's simple, easy and utterly effective, even if it does take an age to do!

I'm particularly in love with these embroidered tattoo designs that I've done, and am now in the process of turning these in to a fully kantha stitched quilted jacket, featuring traditional tattoo designs.  I've been working on the jacket now for a year (although not constant, as I'm swamped at and with work the majority of the time, so I have to grab short chances to sew it when and where I can).  I'll add pics when I've got a bit further with it.

The kantha technique is also an obsession that I've extended to my fashion and textile students, and they have taken to it
really well, often emplying it in their own work.  It's great to see the young learners adopting these traditional world techniques, and hopefully keeping them alive.

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