Saturday, 30 April 2011

New Quilt in Progress

Since finishing my log-cabin illustration quilt, I have since begun work on a new wall quilt, which is smaller in scale, but no less smaller in the amount of sewing it's going to take. The design is based on a contemporary version of Art-Deco design and will be shown at the National Quilt Exhibition at Sandown Park in Surrey during mid-June. Currently I am only on the first stages of sewing the quilt, so best carry on quilting!

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Photo Shoot for my jewellery work

This photo shoot features my fashion fabric jewellery. All of my jewellery has been inspired by traditional forms of patchwork and quilting, taken out of their familiar zone and thrown in to the realm of fashion.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Log-Cabin Illustrated Quilt - Finally Finished!!!

I've been working on this quilt since November 2010. It has been a long process - from the initial stages of illustrating the tea-party images, illustrating the patchwork, working on it on the computer, printing the fabric, steaming, drying and then the 180 hours alone of hand-quilting! It has been a major slog in terms of hard work, and yet I loved every single minute of creating this piece. And now I have finally completed it, I feel a bit lost, like I don't know what to do with myself. Work on the next quilt I suppose! This quilt, which I have entitled "Just My Cup of Tea" will be featured in the 'Quilts UK' exhibition in Malvern (Three Counties Showground) during the 19th-22nd May.